U-Save Liquors (Redwood City, CA) – Sometime negligence leads to an otherwise unachievable level of character when it comes to neon signage. That is the case with the sign that sits outside of the U-Save Liquors in Redwood City. Details about this particular sign are hard to come by and the store owners had no interest in sharing its story. Luckily, Heather David (an authority on Northern California Mid-Century architecture and fellow SCA-er) helped me put some of the missing pieces together and formulate a theory that U-Save Liquors was once a chain of stores that has since disbanded but maintained the locally familiar moniker. That theory is supported by several online photographs showing relatively similar signs from several stores peppered throughout the region. Despite some differences, all of these signs bear a distinct U-shaped design with the word ‘Save’ typically running horizontally across the inside of the lower arc. Many also have a descriptive banner running across the middle where the word ‘Liquors’ appears in this particular sign. Others use that banner to designate the location (town, neighborhood or street name) while some have no ribbon at all.
- Liquor Stores
- Neon Signs
- Vintage Signs